While making some changes to my plugin I noticed the following:

If one injects an iframe into a webpage and the iframe loads a custom
URL (implemented by a custom protocol handler), in Firefox 3.6, the
parent page cannot access the content of iframe (due to same-origin

The only flag set for the protocol is `URI_LOADABLE_BY_ANYONE`.

But in Firefox 4, the content can be accessed by the parent page.
I can reproduce the same behaviour in Firefox 3.6 if I set the flags,

Is this an intended change or a bug?

If it is intended, where can I find more information about it (https://
developer.mozilla.org/en/Firefox_4_for_developers#Security does not
mention anything) and how can I make it behave the same way as in
Firefox 3.6? I am relying on this because I want to add user content
to the page without letting the parent page have access to it.

Any information about it is highly appreciated :)

Thank you very much,

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