On 1/11/12 7:38 PM, Kyle Hamilton wrote:
> Right now, the security group (particularly the participants in
> the CABF from Mozilla)

There have been zero discussions about CABF stuff on the private
security-group mailing list. The only time I recall PKI-in-general
topics coming up is in the heat of dealing with recent CA compromises.

> seems to be a place where the end users, particularly the
> well-informed and strongly-motivated end users, have no voice at
> all.  It seems to be a place where shadowy decisions are made in
> back-room deals by shady, non-elected characters.

I think you're confusing this dev-security list with
dev-security-policy, which might have been better called
dev-tech-crypto-policy to emphasize it's relation with the crypto
group. This list covers pretty much everything BUT the crypto/PKI

> (I live in Mountain View, 1.1 miles from the Castro Street
> headquarters. Guess where much of my oration is going to be?)

We should have lunch then. Come on down! Mail in advance to
schedule, would be a bummer if you dropped in on a day I already had
something planned. If you're only interested in PKI-related security
issues we can make sure some of those folks are around, too. Some of
the Red Hat guys who work on NSS are just a couple blocks down from

-Dan Veditz
dev-security mailing list

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