On 12/02/12 22:50 PM, Richarrd Dawes wrote:
Does anyone know if Firefox is immune to MITB attacks or can detect

Firefox is completely non-immune. It's as if the attacker has taken over your browser and replaced it with his. There has been some work done in this area, but not a lot.

See this report on the BBC news website: -


Right. The SecureId thing is the American solution and was breached by MITB. Original paper on MITB was inspired by European experiences:


Which was written with some inside familiarity. What then happened was that European banks rolled out programs to use the phone as a transaction-level signer, and also beefed up "border" controls such that local banks could work together and stop money moving as fast.

That all worked to contain the problem, and now the 2nd gen attacks are coming through. E.g., here:


(BBC article is about first gen attacks, bypassing the SecureId fob which only authenticates that the person is there, not the transaction).

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