Florian Weimer a écrit :
I find it hard to believe that false passports and driving licenses
cost more than real ones.  Why should they?

Mass-production cost reduction. It's hard for a faker to run production at a volume that's even comparable to the volume for the real product.

Seen from the opposite perspective : As the state produces millions of passports, it can use some real expensive machinery to create the counterfeit detection feature on it, without making the price of each passport individually explode. And also the manufacturers of these machinery actually usually work at an international level, the volume they produce for, and without delivering exactly the same machine everywhere/everytime, the volume they have acquired experience at, is even larger than a single country.

If it was really a 1-1 cost perspective, they'd have a huge advantage easily. What makes things hard is that actually they have to try to make the fake passport more like a hundred, or a thousand, times more costly to manufacture for the faker than for the state.
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