On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 3:26 AM, Chris Jones <cjo...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> That's right: the ideal model is one process per "app" and one process per 
> <iframe browser> (arbitrary web content).

 processes (fork) are not secure, and are not securable.  privilege
escalation is still possible.  for maximum security (even when not
using SE/Linux to audit, track and enforce security), exec has to be

 that means designing the system so that there is inter-process communication.

 and in the case under discussion, that's actually very very easy to
add.... to XPCOM.  COM, which inspired XPCOM, can have its parameters
marshalled, shipped over an inter-process communications pipe, and
unmarshalled, because the fundamental basis of COM is actually

 so there is absolutely no reason in the world why XPCOM should not
also be properly upgraded to use DCE/RPC.  there are at least two
suitable implementations out there: one is http://freedce.sf.net and
the other is in Wine.  the license on freedce is both BSD and LGPLv2+.

now, for precisely the reasons you raised chris (speed and memory
requirements optimised when things like security are blatantly
ignored) microsoft chose to make an "optimisation" to COM where the
inter-process communication could be removed and the parameters
swapped on the stack.

i believe they may actually have used COM to construct the function
call parameter stack in assembly code by the marshaller/unmarshaller

so, anyway: if you've got the pieces in place, you can make the decision.

but... yeah.  the above is quite a bit of work.  it's why i
recommended the architecture of just creating JSONRPC services for all
B2G back-end functionality instead.

i'm actually quite concerned that to the Mozilla Foundation, with its
technical hammer called "WebAPI", that all technical problems are now
looking like nails.

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