On Thu, 29 Mar 2012 20:29:07 -0700
John Nagle wrote:

> > Alternatively if you can ground your comments in a valid interest of
> >  Mozilla and its manifesto, then sure.  
>     All I ask of Mozilla is that, if the CA community is going to all
> this trouble to collect and validate business identity information,
> digitally sign it, and send it to the browser, Firefox should display it
> properly.

That encourages the problem of misplaced trust.


>> On 3/29/2012 3:42 AM, Kevin Chadwick wrote:  
>>> On Tue, 27 Mar 2012 18:29:29 -0700 John Nagle wrote:  
>>>> Anything that takes a credit card should have at least
>>>> "organization validated".  
>>> Can you actually think of a reason for that?  
>> Anonymous online businesses are illegal.

Just to be clear. No I didn't write that, John did, John's client has
some problem or a manual edit/typo was made by him removing >.
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