On Apr 13, 2012, at 8:20 PM, Zack Weinberg wrote:

> On 2012-04-13 6:37 PM, Adrienne Porter Felt wrote:
>> I'm trying to brainstorm a new way to fit trusted UI into the user's normal
>> flow that would enable preview modification, without throwing up a standard
>> dialog.  If anyone buys my case that we need such a thing, suggestions for
>> how to get around the preview problem would be awesome.  :)
> The API could let the app apply arbitrary WebGL operations to the feed from 
> the camera, but not allow the result to go anywhere but the screen until the 
> user hits the button.
> zw

I won't pretend to know WebGL enough to understand its full capabilities, but 
is it feasible to apply such effects to images without being able to read the 
data?  Depending on the exposure, color balance, etc. of the picture it can 
really effect the outcome of a filter.  Maybe WebGL alone can do all that, I'm 
not sure.

Taking a step back, I looked briefly at the first 10 iPhone apps that came up 
when I searched for "camera".  Here are some of the more interesting ones that 
jumped out at me:

When it starts it immediately shows you a preview of a 2x2 grid with four 
different effects applied (well, 3 effects plus the original image).  You can 
swipe back and forth to see several pages more worth of effects.  When you tap 
one, you get a fullscreen preview of the image with the effect applied and a 
generic OS camera button to take the actual picture.  So the use case here is 
the ability to show a live preview multiple times simultaneously, with 
different effects applied.

Camera ∞ (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/camera/id486376930)
Shows a preview when it starts.  You can touch the image to set focus lock.  
Includes a custom shutter button on the bottom middle that allows you to take 
multiple shots in rapid succession.  Use case here includes immediate preview 
with user interaction (focus lock) and a custom shutter button.

Camera- (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/camera/id442613820)
This one is kinda interesting.  Previews right away and you can set tap to set 
exposure and focus lock independently.  Uses custom menu ribbon on right (the 
shutter button is the current mode button).  You an also active overlay tools 
over the image in preview, including an artificial horizon.  So use cases 
appear to be fully customizable UI for picture taking and the ability to 
overlay interactive dynamic tools over the image that can in turn affect the 
image.  There might be others as this appears to be a pretty complex ap.

8mm Vintage Camera 
Kinda different, this primarily a video recorder with various vintage effects 
applied.  It immediately shows a preview with whatever effects you have 
selected applied.  The effects include tone adjustment along with different 
vintage film artifacts, as well as with "lens" changes and the ability to 
introduce jitter (i.e. looks like the video is jumping a frame).  The shutter 
button itself is a retro red looking knob.  So the use case here is immediate 
preview with a wide range of video effects applied, and a completely custom UI.

There's a ton more camera apps out there obviously so this is far from 
exhaustive, but it does indicate that some of these patterns are actually quite 
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