I don't get a cert error when following either of those links.
According to DNS the firebug blog is at the same address as the
website, but I get a completely different (and correct) cert when I
go to the blog.

Are you still seeing the problem? Both of the sites you list are in
our PHX data center and that's been having some problems lately.
Maybe it was transient? If you are still seeing the problem what IP
addresses do you get for the sites? I get and

-Dan Veditz

On 8/1/12 5:22 PM, Gus Richter wrote:
> Firefox advises to "Get me out of here!" regarding many secure
> (https) Mozilla web pages (Blogs only?) and further advising that it
> "could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you
> shouldn't continue" and that an invalid security certificate is used.
> In this last case,
> <https://blog.getfirebug.com/2012/07/13/firebug-1-10-0/>  this
> *warning* is reported:
>   The certificate is only valid for the following names:
>     www.getfirebug.com , getfirebug.com
>   (Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)
> You would think that someone would have noticed this before (in this
> and many other cases) and correct the situation.
> <https://blog.lizardwrangler.com/2012/07/27/importance-of-real-time/>
> is another example.
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