On 4/11/2013 1:26 PM, Rick Andrews wrote:
Sid Stamm suggested dev.security...

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Melven [mailto:imel...@mozilla.com]

you might also try asking this on mozilla.dev.tech.crypto :)

Sid was wrong :-) The guys who know the technical guts of our crypto implementation are over in m.d.tech.crypto

AFAIK we do not download CRLs based on certs, but will update CRLs the user has manually specified. We've talked about improving CRL handling as part of a comprehensive reform of revocation checking but have yet to solve the performance and space requirements of CRLs.

We do support OCSP and are in the process of adding support for OCSP stapling to improve performance, security, and privacy. Lack of an OCSP response is not fatal however, because in general OCSP has not been reliable enough for that. However, cautious users can change the mozilla pref security.OCSP.require to true if they wish the lack of an OCSP reponse to be fatal.

For anything more detailed (timelines, bug numbers) you'll need to go bug the .tech.crypto folks.

-Dan Veditz

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