On 4/11/2013 5:12 PM, Camilo Viecco wrote:
It is possible (but not supported) to use have FF download the CRLs specified
by the certificate.

There are (of course) many caveats:

Which is why we don't support it.

6. There will be a non-trivial performance hit (specially network bases) as 
some CRLs
   are >500k and these entries are not cached across sessions (no peristent 
cache). This
   might not be an issue if you have good network connections (no mobile).

yes, the biggie: even though CRLs are valid for a quite a while we don't cache them across restarts. Maybe not so bad if you never shut down your browser

  bool pref: security.use_libpkix_verification: true  //enables alt 
verification lib

Yes, note that CRL download support is only available as part of the not-yet-supported libpkix verification path. It's quite a bit bigger than just CRL downloads, this uses a completely different library to verify certificates. Libpkix is not entirely untested: Firefox uses it for EV certs, and Chrome uses it for everything. But last time I looked into it (months ago) there were bugs that were deemed bad enough that we weren't ready to turn it on in Firefox.

  bool pref: security.fresh_revocation_info.require : true // revocation info 
mandatory in libpkix only

How does this interact with the security.ocsp.require pref? Do they conflict? Play well together? Or simply unrelated, one applying to the old path and one to libpkix?

-Dan Veditz

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