On 9/10/2013 10:09 AM, Hanno Schlichting wrote:
> As of this moment, we filter out any AP that has been detected in two
> different places (where different means more than ~1km away from each
> other). This is very conservative approach and we'll relax that
> later.

What do you mean by filtered out? How are you tracking that it's now
been seen in multiple locations? Given the simple storage schema at the
top of the thread your choices seem limited to a) ignore the new
location info, or b) throw out the old location info. a) means no one
can ever move, and b) means the next time you see the new location that
becomes the location... over and over as it moves around.

That can't be right, so your database must be more complex. If you're
storing more than originally implied that may have some impact on a
security assessment.

-Dan Veditz

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