On 23/09/13 11:21 AM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:
Please see: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=917829

I think I have detailed already in the bug report why it does not
necessary make sense to forbid ws from a https page, for your review and

The problem might be that when you switch across to webservices, there seems no way to say "use webservices, but I won't tell you which security level to use."

That is, "wsa:/...." where 'wsa' could mean webserversagnostic, either ws or wss.

(fwiw, this is a core flaw in the HTTPS model, that the coder can choose. And yes, once HTTPS is indicated on the original request, it has to maintain SSL/TLS protection across the lot, otherwise the security claim is broken.)


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