On 7/12/2013 1:51 PM, Josh Matthews wrote:

* Are there viability criteria? How much better (performance-wise) than other engines does Servo have to be considered worth continued investment?
I suspect that the answer to this depends also on the security question asked below. If we get "on-par" performance with Gecko, but we're writing in a memory-safe language, is that worth it?

I'd like to understand what the parallelism targets are... if DOM and layout are not parallelized with a single DOM tree but we can run multiple of these tasks at once (so that tabs are isolated from eachother) is that good enough for a v1 product? Is that a different target than the servo team is currently looking at as a research project?

* What is the plan to handle cycles between the DOM and JS?
This seems like a pretty fundamental question! I was sure that at some point in the past, we were committed to servo having a single memory system across DOM nodes and JS. I understood that we were still discussing whether a cycle collector or a GC or some hybrid of those was the best option. If the current plan is different, what is it?

* Do same-origin pages that can't communicate synchronously need to be on the same script task? (scenario: two tabs pointing at google.com properties)
I cannot think of any reason they would have to be.

* Can we have more traffic on dev-servo for people who want to follow what's going on? (one suggestion: posting links to meeting notes every week)
Hear hear. I'm only lurking on servo stuff at the moment, but I'd like to keep an understanding of the current state of research and decision-making on the project.


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