On 2013-07-12 2:33 PM, Patrick Walton wrote:
Servo is *also* designed to be amenable to OS sandboxing, so that
processes compromised via unsafe code or the JIT can be stopped from
taking over the system. In general, although we don't have fine-grained
sandboxing today, we try to specify the interface so that we can add
process-level sandboxing in the future and keep most of the code intact.
Rust's type system helps a lot here by carefully circumscribing where
memory can be shared. Single-process shared-nothing message passing
designs should be able to be readily ported to multi-process designs.

Can you please talk a bit more about what facilities Rust provides for OS level sandboxing? This seems very interesting.

Of course, Gecko can do the latter with e10s, but the viability of e10s
is not certain on desktop, as I understand things (though please correct
me if I'm wrong).

We have a plan of action right now, and work is under way based on that. There are no fundamental reasons why e10s on desktop should not be viable (we have a few other engines as examples of the feasibility of this approach), but of course it is a huge engineering task.


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