Servo has been using the cryptographic library, OpenSSL (via the Hyper
library) for securing communications. As the project transitions to
shipping nightly builds and hopefully products, we need to make a more
explicit decision about our library usage. As a web browser, there’s a high
standard to meet, resulting in requirements that are possibly stricter than
those of other projects.



   Production ready library, opportunities for auditing and reviewing

   Actively maintained, up to date on current state of the art, implements
   all common algorithms used on the web

   Full CVE/disclosure plan in place: In order to be a fully-fledged
   browser engine, we will need to have the ability to report and fix critical

   PKI support: PKI forms the backbone of trust on the Internet, and it’s
   essential that we fully support certificate verification.



   Continue to use existing OpenSSL bindings

   Contribute to a new or existing library in Rust

   Create bindings to another existing library

Option 1:

This is our current solution. While trying to distribute nightlies, the
team discovered that the Rust bindings for OpenSSL need some work1.
Additionally, many projects are moving away from OpenSSL; for example, when
Google2 and OpenBSD forked OpenSSL into BoringSSL3 and LibreSSL4, one
motivation was to create a leaner codebase.

It will take some work to enhance and broaden these bindings. Another
concern for Servo is the difficulty of multi-threading with OpenSSL. It’s
not thread safe by default, and requires callbacks to lock and unlock an
array of locks5.

Option 2:

There's interesting work going on in the Rust crypto ecosystem, and it's
worth keeping an eye on. For the time being, Servo needs production-ready
libraries. At least for now, building crypto infrastructure is out of scope
for the team. But we should keep our options open for the future, and see
if there are ways we can support these efforts.

Option 3:

A third option is to create Rust bindings for a currently existing SSL
library. Some options I investigated were BoringSSL6, LibreSSL, or NSS. A
significant con is that we don’t have significant expertise in either
LibreSSL or BoringSSL, or the resources to devote towards developing it.

Furthermore, BoringSSL is explicitly not recommended7 for general use
because there are no guarantees of API/ABI stability.

NSS is the current library used to secure Firefox, so using it in Servo is
mutually beneficial to both projects. Additionally, we have access to
significant NSS expertise, and NSS is committed to providing stable API and
ABI. API stability will allow Servo to more easily upgrade versions and
stay current with security patches, while reducing our maintenance
overhead. ABI stability will allow Servo to distribute security fixes to
the DLL in the wild without recompiling the executable.

Proposed Development

I propose to create Rust bindings for NSS, which is the crypto library used
to secure Firefox. Not only does it fulfill all of Servo’s requirements,
but it already has support for future work like TLS 1.3. I also propose
that we create bindings for Mozilla:pkix8 for certificate validation. I
spoke to the NSS team to see if they would be able to support an effort
like this, and they were interested in helping. This is a practical way to
get trusted, tested crypto into Servo and the wider Rust community.

For more information on these discussions, you can see the current Rust
security projects ( and a discussion of
cryptographic development in Rust (

I'd like to hear your comments about this proposal here (or privately). I
know that this is an area that a lot of people are interested in, and it's
important that we do it right.

*TL;DR *Servo needs to make an explicit decision about how to do TLS, and I
think we should use NSS.


-Diane | avadacatavra



2. Google's comparison of OpenSSL and NSS

3. BoringSSL took OpenSSL from 468k lines of code to 200k, even with adding
additional tests

4. LibreSSL initially removed over 90k lines of code




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