robert dugal wrote:

> I will enter the modutil bug report today.  I tried modifying modutil to
> set the AES bit and it appears to set the bit in the database but
> Firefox still doesn't appear to use my provider as default for AES so
> there is probably some additional coding changes required. I haven't had
> enough time to debug it yet to see what is going wrong.

I have attached a patch  to your bug.  It patches both the modutil
program and (IIRC) one of the NSS libraries.  Please try it out and let
me know if it has the effect of making your module the default for AES.

> Is the -jar installation command still supported with modutil? 

I don't know.  I've never used it.  Perhaps when Bob Relyea returns
from vacation, he can speak to that question.

/Nelson B
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