Julien Pierre wrote:
> Jay Potter wrote:
> >    Any suggestions on what I would need to do to get this implimented?
> A lot of convincing that it is worth doing, to begin with. IMO,
> pre-shared keys have no place in a general-purpose Internet browser such
> as Mozilla. The authors of RFC4279 agree - see section 1.1 .
> "  The ciphersuites defined in this document are intended for a rather
>     limited set of applications, usually involving only a very small
>     number of clients and servers.  Even in such environments, other
>     alternatives may be more appropriate."

That was added mostly to keep the
still-waiting-for-PKI-to-start-working crowd appeased.  I don't think
it reflects the opinions of most TLS-PSK users, and shouldn't have any
bearing on support of TLS-PSK in Mozilla.

(This could turn into a religious debate, but IMHO properly-implemented
TLS-PSK is one of the strongest anti-phishing measures that could be
added to current web browsers).


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