Wan-Teh Chang wrote:
> Paul,
> The code in mozilla/security/nss/cmd/lib is
> intended for use by the NSS command-line tools
> only.  This is why the header file secutil.h,
> which declares those SECU_ funcitons, is marked
> "private", and the static library libsectool.a
> (sectool.lib) is not part of the NSS binary
> distributions.

That's true.  On the other hand, our documentation also says in many
places that the source code in nss/cmd is "sample" code, implying that
it is somehow exemplary.

We reserve the right to change or delete any "private" code without warning.
That leads people to ask me if it's OK for them to make copies of (some of)
the functions in the nss/cmd/lib sources.  Clearly there's a problem if
we have sample code that people cannot rely upon and cannot copy.  We need
to figure out some solution for this.  Everyone shouldn't have to reinvent
the wheel for functions in nss/cmd/lib just so that we have the right to
change them at will.  But I don't know the answer.  I wonder if we need a
slightly different license than the MPL for that code.

Nelson B
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