Michiel van Meersbergen wrote:
> Ok, I'm no using the ErrorText routines anymore. They were hardly
> necessary anyway. (Nelson: the solution you suggest requires the use of
> 'private' headers: I'd like to conform to the released version of
> NSS/NSPR and not use anything that is marked as private.)

That's understandable ... sort of.
The code in the nss/cmd/... directories is supposed to be "sample" code.
It's not supposed to be code that you take and use directly, but code
that gives you ideas about how to solve certain problems yourself in your

I do want to make those 3 headers public.  I hope to make that happen in
NSS 3.12.

> I do have (yet) another question about the binaries though. For NSS, I
> can choose (for Windows) from two sets of binaries: WINNT4.0 and
> WINNT5.0. 

Where do you have those two choices?  Does some server offer both WinNT4
and WinNT5 flavors of the same version of NSS (e.g. 3.11.0) ?

> I beleive I read somewhere that the WINNT4.0 version was
> supposed to be the misnamed WIN95 / WIN32 version, and that this
> version was recommended for use in currently being developed
> applications.

Wherever you read that, it was wrong.  (Even if *I* wrote it. :)

Like NSPR, NSS has both Win95 and WinNT flavors.  When the WinNT
flavor is built on a real NT 4.0 OS, the directory comes out named
WINNT4.0.  When the WinNT flavor is built on WinXP (or Win2k, I think)
it comes out named WinNT5.0.  Either way, it's the WinNT flavor, and it
must use the WinNT flavor of NSPR.  The Win95 flavor of NSS must use
the Win95 flavor of NSPR.

> Now, NSPR also has two flavors: WIN95 and WINNT. The WIN95 variant is
> recommended, as I can read in the README file there. 

mozilla client products always use the Win95 flavor on Win9x,ME,NT,2k,2003
and XP.  NSS-based server products that run on WinNT,2K,2003 and/or XP
generally use the WinNT flavor of NSS and NSPR, because it's compatible
with "Fibers" (light weight threading commonly used in Windows servers).

> My problem is this: the NSS binaries in BOTH the WINNT4.0 and WINNT5.0
> releases are dependent on some files (lib*4.dll) only found in the NSPR WINNT
>  release.

Yes, both of them are WinNT flavors of NSS.  Both depend on the WinNT
flavor of NSPR.

> In fact, it looks to me like there is only a WINNT release
> for NSS (I can't even figure out the difference in the 4.0 and 5.0
> version, they are 99% binary equal). Can anyone shed some light on
> this? 

I'm not aware of any single release that is available in both of those
WinNT forms.  Sometime in the last year, the contributor of the WinNTx.0
builds switched from building on NT 4.0 to Win2003 (IIRC), so builds
made before some date should be WinNT4.0 and after that date WinNT5.0.
I'd be a little surprised if both sets of builds existed for the same
exact version of NSS.  (But I've been surprised before. :)

> Is the WIN95 release for NSS missing?


I think we need contributed builds of Win95 flavor NSS and NSPR.
The current contributor of the WinNT flavor builds is not interested
in also offering Win95 flavor builds.

> Thanks!
> Michiel van Meersbergen

Nelson B
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