> Where do you have those two choices?  Does some server offer both
> WinNT4
> and WinNT5 flavors of the same version of NSS (e.g. 3.11.0) ?
Yes, you should know the server, it's
ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/security/nss/releases/ :)

> > I beleive I read somewhere that the WINNT4.0 version was
> > supposed to be the misnamed WIN95 / WIN32 version, and that this
> > version was recommended for use in currently being developed
> > applications.
> Wherever you read that, it was wrong.  (Even if *I* wrote it. :)
As I said, I thought that was the case. However, I have also been wrong
before. ;)

> Like NSPR, NSS has both Win95 and WinNT flavors.  When the WinNT
> flavor is built on a real NT 4.0 OS, the directory comes out named
> WINNT4.0.  When the WinNT flavor is built on WinXP (or Win2k, I
> think)
> it comes out named WinNT5.0.  Either way, it's the WinNT flavor, and
> it
> must use the WinNT flavor of NSPR.  The Win95 flavor of NSS must use
> the Win95 flavor of NSPR.
That may explain why the NSS versions 4.0 and 5.0 are (99%) equal. But
somehow I doubt that... I did a binary compare of the two ZIP files,
and only in the zip header (I think - I'm no expert) a few bytes are
different. They seem to have the exact same content.

> mozilla client products always use the Win95 flavor on
> and XP.  NSS-based server products that run on WinNT,2K,2003 and/or
> generally use the WinNT flavor of NSS and NSPR, because it's
> with "Fibers" (light weight threading commonly used in Windows
Ok, I'll switch to using the WINNT release for NSPR (and 5.0 for NSS)

> I'm not aware of any single release that is available in both of
> WinNT forms.  Sometime in the last year, the contributor of the
> builds switched from building on NT 4.0 to Win2003 (IIRC), so builds
> made before some date should be WinNT4.0 and after that date
> I'd be a little surprised if both sets of builds existed for the same
> exact version of NSS.  (But I've been surprised before. :)
Both 3.11.0 builds are from december 16th, on the server mentioned
above. :)

> > Is the WIN95 release for NSS missing?
> Yes, AFAIK.
> I think we need contributed builds of Win95 flavor NSS and NSPR.
> The current contributor of the WinNT flavor builds is not interested
> in also offering Win95 flavor builds.
That's not really a problem, but I got confused by the statement in
NSPR's README file. I thought I should be using NSS's WIN95 release

Michiel van Meersbergen

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