Frank Lee wrote:
> Found Cl to be from Microsoft Visual Studio 8 

Right.  It's Microsoft's version of "cc", the c compiler.

> cl -Fonow.obj -c      -W3 -nologo -GF -Gy -MD -O2  -UDEBUG -U_DEBUG -UWINNT  
> -D_X86_=1 
> /cygdrive/c/Frank_Lee/Eclipse/Academy_workspace/NSS_SignTools/mozilla/nsprpub/config/now.c
> make[2]: *** [now.obj] Error 53

> is this a problem with the cl.exe file?  

No, it's a problem with your cygwin installation, and/or environment.
Microsoft's cl program doesn't know about cygwin's <expletive> /cygdrive
hack.  You need to configure cygwin to NOT use /cygdrive but instead use
windows compatible path names.

Nelson B
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