Robert Relyea wrote:
> Dave Townsend wrote:
>> Anyway basic issue is that I need a SECKEYPublicKey and 
>> SECKEYPrivateKey. I can see how to create them in NSS for use, I've 
>> also found a technical note which suggests how to bring a public key 
>> into NSS, however I don't see anything about serializing/restoring a 
>> private key or how to get a created public key out of NSS. Can anyone 
>> point me in the right direction?
> Hi david,
> You have 2 options when extracting the public key.
> The first option is the preferred option : 
> SECKEY_EncodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo() It takes a public key and returns 
> a SECitem which is a DER encoded blob that represents that public key, 
> including the public key type. You an reimport such a blob with
> SECKEY_DecodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo() and SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey();

Excellent I think this is just what I needed. Tell me is the form that 
this comes out in standardised in any way or is it something that is NSS 

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