Robert Relyea wrote:
>> One other final thing I'm stumbling over is key and hash types. I 
>> recognise the names RSA and DSA but is there a particular advantage of 
>> using one over the other? 
> RSA and DSA have different performance characteristics, RSA has a fairly 
> fast verification compared to signing. It's also more widely understood. 
> At one time DSA was the only one of the two that were not patent 
> encumbered.

Adding to Bob's good info:
-With DSA, if you sign the exact same data over and over again you'll 
get a different signature each time (thanks to k).  RSA will always 
yield the same signature for the same input data.
-DSA signatures are usually smaller.  An RSA signature ends up being the 
same size as the keysize (meaning a 1024 bit key yields a 1024 bit 
signature).  For comparison a raw DSA signature made with a 1024 bit key 
is 40 bytes.

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