
I am gratified to see this effort on Fedora - it is
sorely needed.  However, there is one area of coverage
that is missing in this effort: that of Java developers.

As you know, Java has its own keystore and APIs for the
same functions (with some limitations) that NSS offers.
While Java developers have to currently deal with multiple
keystores (beyond the JKS), it at least gives them some
consistency across platforms - which is a great benefit.

Given that the Fedora community is embarking on an effort
to consolidate crypto keystores and libraries, it would
make sense to take the needs of the Java community also
into consideration in the design and implementation.

While you will rightly point out that JSS provides that
capability today, unfortunately, the JSS API is quite
different from the JCE API and requires application-level

What would be ideal is for JSS to evolve into becoming
just another pluggable JCE Provider and hide the access
to the consolidated Fedora crypto keystore/library
behind that interface.  You will then be doing two
communities a great service.

I'm looking forward to seeing this work come to fruition;
you can count on my support.

Arshad Noor
StrongAuth, Inc.

Robert Relyea wrote:

 >> It's part of the Fedora Crypto Consolidation project:
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