Nelson Bolyard wrote:
Robert Relyea wrote, On 2008-02-19 14:20:
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
Does anybody know if and which parameters might be obtained by the window.crypto functions and smart cards? For reference see this page: Specifically I'd like to know if there is a function to check if a smart card was already inserted before accessing a certain page. Is it possible to obtain a smart card ID or other properties of the smart card device (as loaded by NSS)?
No, the API does not give you direct information about how many or which tokens are installed.

Bob, doesn't the command "modutil -list" produce the info Eddy wants?
If so, then I'd say the API DOES provide that information, because modutil
uses the API...

There are lots of APIs to get lots of data about smart cards, but just like there are lots of APIs to do crypto, the aren't all available to web designers through java script.

From a C program, or a plugin, it's pretty easy to know what Smart cards are currently inserted (actually what tokens in general are inserted...).
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