Wan-Teh Chang wrote:

>On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 4:35 PM, Neil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>pkix_pl_oscpcertid.h contains:
>> struct PKIX_PL_OcspCertIDStruct {
>>        CERTOCSPCertID *certID;
>>        PRBool certIDWasConsumed;
>> };
>> /* see source file for function documentation */
>> PKIX_Error *pkix_pl_OcspCertID_RegisterSelf(void *plContext);
>> PKIX_Error *
>> PKIX_PL_OcspCertID_Create(
>>        PKIX_PL_Cert *cert,
>>        PKIX_PL_Date *validity,
>>        PKIX_PL_OcspCertID **object,
>>        void *plContext);
>> Unfortunately pkixt.h contains
>> typedef struct PKIX_PL_OcspCertIDStruct PKIX_PL_OcspCertID;
>> I can't get my compiler to accept this. Is this a compiler bug?
>Can you try adding a forward declaration to pkixt.h
>struct PKIX_PL_OcspCertIDStruct;
>before that typedef?
Actually I wasn't clear; it's pkix_pl_oscpcertid.h that my compiler 
doesn't like, because it doesn't understand PKIX_PL_OcspCertID, but I 
can try that forward declaration anyway if you like.

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