I'd like to generate and verify a detached signature (in a separate 
file) with a key from my Seamonkey profile. Is this approach with 
cmsutil ok (single command-line wrapped here)?

cmsutil -S -d ~/.mozilla/xxxxxxx/ -N "cert nickname" -G -H SHA1 -T -i 
name.tar.gz -o name.tar.gz.p7m

 From my understanding this accesses the cert/key DB only for reading. 
Is it a problem if the Seamonkey is still running?

How about verifying it? I've tried this command which does not output 
any verification result:

cmsutil -D -d ~/.mozilla/xxxxxxx/ -c name.tar.gz -i name.tar.gz.p7m -o test

I also tried signver but this hangs:

signver -V -v -d ~/.mozilla/xxxxxxx/ -i name.tar.gz -s name.tar.gz.p7m

strace output of hanging signver:

------------------------- snip -------------------------
open("name.tar.gz", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open("name.tar.gz.p7m", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 6
------------------------- snip -------------------------

This is all done with openSUSE 11.0 packages:

Ciao, Michael.
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