Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
>> cmsutil -D -d ~/.mozilla/xxxxxxx/ -c name.tar.gz -i name.tar.gz.p7m -o test
> I remember running into this long ago.  As I recall, the pass/fail result
> is very subtle.  It may be nothing more than the program's result code.
> What did you get in the "test" file? 

It's the same file (here name.tar.gz) like given with -c.

> Is the pass/fail indication there?

Nope. The file given with -o seems to be the "decoded" file.

If I invoke cmsutil with a wrong input file I get the following message:
------------------------------ snip ------------------------------
signer 0 status = DigestMismatch
cmsutil: problem decoding: Signature verification failed: no signer 
found, too many signers found, or improper or corrupted data.
------------------------------ snip ------------------------------

Ciao, Michael.
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