(Sorry, missed this before sending my last message.)

At 8:11 PM +0200 9/23/08, Ian G wrote:
>But, either way, the general result seems to be:  a top level root
>should not generally include an(y) EKU.

Correct. That follows from the RFC.

>OK.  That looks mostly for the EE certs, so I guess there are "no
>constraints" for the root.
>(Other than some sort of common sense.)

And often not that. Remember, these rules were devised by people who 
thought that there would be a single universal database that needed 
unique and universally-understandable identifiers for each CA. With 
that design criteria, common sense goes out the window.

>The curiosity here is that the Certificate Policies extension may
>not be shown prominently by software.

Nor should it be. Remember that the policy there is most correctly 
represented by an OID, which is meaningless to end users.

>As the point of the cert is
>to make some claim to the user, and the essence of that claim is
>somehow pertinent to the user's choice, it is understandable that
>issuers have been frustrated in the past by lack of display of the
>nature of the claim....  And have therefore chosen to place their
>legal notices in the OU.

Those are not legal notices: they are advertising. You cannot put 
your whole CP into a field in a cert.

>Hmm, here we have to use an RSA self-sig over a hash over the RSA
>public key.  Check my logic:  the hash on the key is protected by:
>    a. being a fixed hash over a fixed key, so 160 bits of strength
>(birthday attacks do not apply)
>    b. the public key verifies the digital signature, so any attack
>on any one element has to also match the other two (which would not
>be true if this were a cert).
>    b. publication in root list, the hashing and self-signing is not
>as important as it would be with a (real) certificate
>So given that, the hash on the root is unimportant, and SHA1 should
>be fine.  Or have I missed something?

One thing that you have missed is that some programs expect that a 
root with a particular signature algorithm will only issue certs for 
keys that use that algorithm. Those programs are wrong, but they're 
out there. Thus, if you use RSA-with-SHA1, some programs will balk 
when verifying to that root from a cert using, say, RSA-with-SHA256.

>Then, for the RSA size, it seems that 4096 is the current viewpoint
>of what is good for around 30 years.  Microsoft has put a limit of
>2048 as minimum, NIST shows that as "good for 2011 -> 2030".

That is not what "NIST shows". Table 4 of SP 800-57 part 1 says 
L=3072, and you can assume that is not a typo. Note, however, that 
that is in a column for DSA and DH, not RSA.

>  > NIST published some tables of equivalent strengths of hashes,
>>  ciphers and key sizes.  They show equivalent key sizes for DSA, RSA, ECDSA,
>>  symmetric ciphers (3DES, AES) and hashes.  See tables 2 and 3, pp 63-64 in
>Ah, good point.  http://keylength.net/ might be easier to read :)

But is not as good of a reference. Understanding SP 800-57 is 
probably just as valuable as understanding RFC 5280, if not more so.

--Paul Hoffman
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