On 11/26/2008 10:27 AM, Anders Rundgren:
I'm looking for a system that offers authenticated and confidential
messaging which would among things include mobile phone voice messaging.

You also might want to look into http://openid.net/
I expect OpenID to deployed as a form of authentication almost anywhere in the future, including your mobiles.

If such system would require users to trust certificates and stuff, it will 

It's possible: https://www.startssl.com/?app=14

This is an OpenID provider making use of certificate authentication. But there are less secure alternatives of course which don't require certificates.

It seems that Eddy's Jabber system is an even ligher alternative because
it doesn't seem to require end-users "trusting" anything than their provider.

But please note that there are still digital certificates involved in the common sense as we know it (including the address space control validation).


Signer: Eddy Nigg, StartCom Ltd.
Blog:   https://blog.startcom.org
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