Kyle Hamilton wrote, On 2008-12-27 15:56:
> I am a user.  I am worried about MITM attacks.
> Unlike most users, I'm technically and legally savvy enough to know:
> 1) Why to perform my due diligence
> 2) How to perform my due diligence
> 3) How to add the root into my store
> However,  I have additional problems that I can't deal with through
> the standard Mozilla user interface (or any browser that I have access
> to's interface, realistically).
> For example, I cannot easily see who issued a given certificate, or
> what root it chains up to.  I cannot apply an attribute to a root
> certificate saying "not a financial-services certification authority".
>  I cannot see details about the chain without having to go through
> multiple difficult-to-get-to windows.

[rest snipped]

Kyle, I think you're making some good points about the PKI/security related
UI in Mozilla products (especially Firefox).  I'm afraid this will get lost
in this thread which is otherwise about CA behaviors and responsibilities.
So, I suggest you start a new thread for this topic.  Do that by posting
a message which is not a reply to any existing message, but is the first
with a new subject (not reusing a subject in any previously posted message).

When you do that, some may suggest that another of Mozilla's newsgroups and
mailing lists is a better venue for that discussion, and if so, so be it.
But I encourage you to raise the UI issues in a way that is clearly
separated from the current CA brouhaha.
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