On 02/04/2009 08:27 PM, Frank Hecker:
2. I understand that what happened in the case of StartCom was not
exactly the same as what happened in the case of Comodo/CertStar.
However it's part of web security basics to assume that whatever a
client sends to a server is untrusted and must be (re)verified on the
server side to forestall potential attacks (e.g., SQL injection, etc.)

Correct. Since there wasn't much interest in this issue I haven't kept updating on this. It appears - and according to our records, that the time-window for this error was of limited nature too and some changes in the code (incidentally made for EV certs) allowed for this type of attack. As you correctly state, lots of potential attacks are taken into consideration, validated and monitored. We improved also the procedures for such changes.

So IMO you get points for prompt disclosure and fixes, but in the end
you messed up just like Comodo and CertStar did.

Nonono :-)

I see the main differences as followed and I believe the main differences are policy wise (and allow me to comment on this since you made the comparison).

StartCom requires domain control validation performed in a very specific way. This is a matter of choice and policy. StartCom doesn't out-source the validation nor uses RAs, hence doesn't have to implement controls for RAs and third parties validations.

Now, due to the validations StartCom DOES perform and due to the careful recording of all data, StartCom had the ability to KNOW exactly which email address was used to validate a domain. Due to other protection layers including staff awareness, this incidents potential damage was kept to a minimum.

Unfortunately at Certstart there was no domain validation at all. Any such steps didn't exist. And Comodo has apparently failed to verify how Certstar does that.

Does Comodo know how the domain name was validated? Do they have any records about which email addresses or any other evidences about how the supposed validation was done? Which protective layers prevented the issuance of a high-profile domain? Or anything?

From where I stand and from my point of view, I see clear differences in both cases - policy and implementation wise. The differences can have consequences, because a fix in a program is one thing, a fix in a policy quite another.

(As such, both events didn't came close to a situation which isn't correctable)

3. To paraphrase what Nelson (?) wrote, "bugs happen". I don't think the
PKI/CA system is so fragile that it necessarily comes tumbling down
whenever a CA or RA makes a mistake. (If it really is that fragile then
we have bigger problems than those we're discussing here.) From a policy
point of view I think our interest is having CAs acknowledge problems
and fix them in a timely manner, both in terms of revoking certs when
needed and also in terms of addressing any underlying root causes.

Frank, of course every effort has to be made to prevent any failures, but it's a reality that vulnerabilities and bugs can happen. The MD5 collision and the Debian weak keys are also just another example. It really matters how prepared a CA is to act under such circumstances. It matters which additional protection layers exist and which conflicts of interests would prevent a CA from acting upon a known failure or vulnerability. In this respect I hope that StartCom served as an example to follow, even under the circumstances of a negative event. Or perhaps because of it, since the real test happens under such circumstances and not when everything is rosy ;-)


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