On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 1:35 PM,  <kathleen95...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Email:  CPS section 5.2.6 specifies the controls for applications for
> the Certigna ID certificates. It says that in addition to verifying
> the identity of the applicant, they check the email address as follows
> as per the supplied translation:
> “On left part of the email address, we have to found, in a non
> equivoque form, the name and the first name of the future bearer. In
> the opposite case, and in case of a doubt on the intention of
> usurpation, it is important to report that at the security responsible
> who will defined the actions to make (exhaustive check of the order,
> reject or acceptation).
> On the right part of the email address is located the name of the web
> site of the entity or the name of a FAI (and name of another entity).”

I'll be so bold as to try to translate this into better English (this
is obviously NOT to be considered authoritative):

The left-hand side of the email address must contain both the first
and last name of the person in order to pass the automatic issuance
procedure [[NB: this is due to the word 'and' in the translation; I
would assume that it should actually be an 'or', and the email address
has to at least be the last name of the subscriber]].  If the
left-hand side of the email address does not contain the first and[or]
last name of the person, then it gets passed up the line for manual
review.  [[NB: the mechanism for manual review is not defined, but
allows for a more exhaustive verification, automatic denial (such as
'georgewb...@thisisnottheofficialbushdomain.com', I presume), or
immediate acceptance (under some unknown criteria).]]

On the right-hand side (sitename) part of the email address must be
either the name of the web site [[NB: this suggests that it must be,
for example, 'hec...@www.mozillafoundation.org' instead of
'hec...@mozillafoundation.org']], or the name of a [[??What is an
FAI??]] and another entity.  [[NB: presumably 'gmail.com' would be the
'name of another entity', but I'm still unable to parse this

To Certigna: I am very sorry if I have mangled the meaning of your CPS
through the apparently-automated translation.

> This begins phase 2 of the public discussion of the request from
> Certigna to add the Certigna CA root certificate to Mozilla.

Thank you, Kathleen.  (And thank you, Frank, for getting Mozilla to
hire her. :))

-Kyle H
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