On Sat, 21 Mar 2009, John D wrote:

I wonder how thread safe NSS' integration with libcurl actually is. No offense Daniel but after switching to gnutils with their macros all problems related to this matter are resolved. So be it.

I'm absolutely sure on how we use NSS in libcurl, and the nss.c code is not even particularly big or complicated so basically everyone who wants to can go see.

To the best of my knowledge, libcurl is using NSS as it is documented but as I've whined before on this very mailing list: the NSS API documentation is not exactly crystal clear in all aspects so of course things might not be perfectly done.

I think it can be helpful to the NSS project and to libcurl's NSS-interfacing code if you'd follow Wan-Teh's advice and help us get some further details on those problems and thus possibly improve things. Even if you obviously can avoid them by switching to another lib.

I don't understand why I would take offense but no, I didn't.


 / daniel.haxx.se
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