On further testing and reading the description of generateCRMFRequest() method doc, I figured out why the key generation was failing.
I have to pass keySize as integer type not string type.
function testKeyGeneration()
doGenerateCRMFCSRByCryptoTest("cn=xxx,o=abc.com", "rsa', parseInt("1024")); doGenerateCRMFCSRByCryptoTest("cn=xxx,o=abc.com", "dsa', parseInt("1024")); doGenerateCRMFCSRByCryptoTest("cn=xxx,o=abc.com", "ec', parseInt("1024"));
The key genartion now works for RSA and DSA key types but it still fails for EC key type.
Is  key generation for EC type is supported on Firefox 3.0.10?

Subrata Mazumdar wrote:
I am not able generate key using window.crypto.generateCRMFRequest() method. I have tried all there possible types : rsa, dsa, and ec. I am attached my test code fragment. I am running the test within an add-on - on Firefox 3.0.10/Fedora8.
I am getting   NS_ERROR_FAILURE in exception message.

function testKeyGeneration()
   doGenerateCRMFCSRByCryptoTest("cn=xxx,o=abc.com", "rsa', "1024");
   doGenerateCRMFCSRByCryptoTest("cn=xxx,o=abc.com", "dsa', "1024");
   doGenerateCRMFCSRByCryptoTest("cn=xxx,o=abc.com", "ec', "1024");
var crmfObject = null;
function doGenerateCRMFCSRByCryptoTest (subject, keyType, keySize)
// For more info: https://developer.mozilla.org/En/JavaScript_crypto/GenerateCRMFRequest

   var reqDN = subject;                // argv[0]
   var regTokenArg = null;             // argv[1]
   var authenticatorArg = null;        // argv[2]
   var escrowCertArg = null;           // argv[3]
   var jsCallbackArg = doGenerateCRMFCSRByCryptoCB(); // argv[4]
   var keyParams = null;
   var keyGenAlg = null;
   // var keyGenAlg = "rsa-dual-use";

   if (keyType == "rsa") {
       keyGenAlg = "rsa-dual-use";
       keyParams = null;
   else if (keyType == "dsa") {
       keyGenAlg = "dsa-sign-nonrepudiation";
       keyParams = null;
   if (keyType == "ec") {
keyGenAlg = "ec-dual-use"; // ec-sign-nonrepudiation | ec-sign | ec-nonrepudiation | ec-ex
       keyParams = "curve=secp256r1";
   try {
       crmfObject = window.crypto.generateCRMFRequest(
subject, regTokenArg, authenticatorArg, escrowCertArg, jsCallbackFuncArg,
                       keySize,  keyParams,  keyGenAlg
   } catch (ex) {
dump("doGenerateCRMFCSRByCryptoTest(): window.crypto.generateCRMFRequest() failed - " + ex + "\n");
   alert("crmfObject.request: " + crmfObject.request);
function doGenerateCRMFCSRByCryptoCB()
dump("uploadCRMFCSRForm.js: doGenerateCRMFCSRByCryptoDummyCB(): ......Start.\n"); dump("uploadCRMFCSRForm.js: doGenerateCRMFCSRByCryptoDummyCB(): ......End.\n");

What am I doing wrong? It used to work for RSA key type on Firefox 1.5. I have not used the code since then.

The main reason I testing this method is I failed to generate key for DSA and EC tyeps using keygen tag. So I thiought that I will see if the key generation work using the window.crypto.generateCRMFRequest() method. I have tried all three links at the bottom this page: https://developer.mozilla.org/En/HTML/HTML_Extensions/KEYGEN_Tag. I only see key-generation dialog for RSA key type. For other two cases, keys are not generated - instead the choice name (HIGH or MEDIUM) is used for the key.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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