On 2009-06-26 04:13 PDT, Dmitriy Varnavskiy wrote:
> I am deploying javaws application that uses client certificate for 
> authentication. It is starting with jnlp ref from web page that also uses
> client certificate. So, nedeed certificate presents in browser on client
> machine. For application I first tried to import certificate through java
> control panel. It generally worked ok, but asked user keystore
> (trusted.clientcerts) password on every launch even if password was
> initially set empty. Is there any way to eleminate this prompt?

Someone here may be able to help you with that question, but it's not a JSS

> I have not found it and started trying to get certificate from browser 
> keystore. Ok with IE. But as documented for Firefox JSS is nedeed. I
> have downloaded last 2 versions of JSS binaries and jar from ftp and
> tried to make it working with Firefox 3 and 2. All failed.

Describe the failures.

> I have tried to put jar in jre/lib/ext/, firefox/ firefox/jss, tried just
> separate folder with specifying classpath env variable. I have tried to
> put dll in /firefox, system32, and separate folder, copying dependencies
> (nss etc.) with it and setting PATH. All failed.

Again, describe the failures.  When you say all your attempts failed, do you
mean simply that none of the things you tried had any effect on the
appearance of the prompt for a user keystore password?

> Just after starting jnlp with javaws window "Select certificate to
> auth." appears and its empty.  [...] This time it just uses HTTPRequest
> and no SSL related code. Even more - I believe first certificate request
> comes not from my HTTPRequest, cause when it appears my app is not loaded
> yet. I spent few weeks on this. Anything will be helpful.

If your application is not yet loaded, and is only using http, not https,
then clearly your application cannot be causing the prompt to select a
client certificate.

> Should I modify source of my app or jnlp for using JSS?

Well, you have to do *something* to get javaws to use JSS.  If may be a
configuration change rather than an application change.  I'm not sure.
Our JSS expert is on vacation.  Others here may be able to help you.

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