I have run several tests of JSS on Linux - they all worked fine so seems JSS
is correctly installed. But when I am launching my app java for some reason
is not using certificates in firefox keystore.

2009/6/27 Dmitriy Varnavskiy <jaz...@gmail.com>

> Fail means that window with prompt to select certificate appears. And list
> of certificates in it is empty.
> I believe that first request comes from java to jnlp file on server. I am
> able to press cancel, closing appearing cert promts till application
> loads(from cache actually, if not cached it fails to load), then comes first
> request from application that results in 403 from server, cause certificate
> is not present at request. I have found some info saying that binary
> releases of JSS on mozilla ftp are not suitable for firefox use and I should
> rebuild them manually with some other options(TARGET_OS=WIN95). Not sure is
> it so or not - compiler fails with some errors on build. Maybe there are
> binaries already builded this way available to download?
> 2009/6/26 Nelson B Bolyard <nel...@bolyard.me>
> On 2009-06-26 04:13 PDT, Dmitriy Varnavskiy wrote:
>> > I am deploying javaws application that uses client certificate for
>> > authentication. It is starting with jnlp ref from web page that also
>> uses
>> > client certificate. So, nedeed certificate presents in browser on client
>> > machine. For application I first tried to import certificate through
>> java
>> > control panel. It generally worked ok, but asked user keystore
>> > (trusted.clientcerts) password on every launch even if password was
>> > initially set empty. Is there any way to eleminate this prompt?
>> Someone here may be able to help you with that question, but it's not a
>> JSS
>> question.
>> > I have not found it and started trying to get certificate from browser
>> > keystore. Ok with IE. But as documented for Firefox JSS is nedeed. I
>> > have downloaded last 2 versions of JSS binaries and jar from ftp and
>> > tried to make it working with Firefox 3 and 2. All failed.
>> Describe the failures.
>> > I have tried to put jar in jre/lib/ext/, firefox/ firefox/jss, tried
>> just
>> > separate folder with specifying classpath env variable. I have tried to
>> > put dll in /firefox, system32, and separate folder, copying dependencies
>> > (nss etc.) with it and setting PATH. All failed.
>> Again, describe the failures.  When you say all your attempts failed, do
>> you
>> mean simply that none of the things you tried had any effect on the
>> appearance of the prompt for a user keystore password?
>> > Just after starting jnlp with javaws window "Select certificate to
>> > auth." appears and its empty.  [...] This time it just uses HTTPRequest
>> > and no SSL related code. Even more - I believe first certificate request
>> > comes not from my HTTPRequest, cause when it appears my app is not
>> loaded
>> > yet. I spent few weeks on this. Anything will be helpful.
>> If your application is not yet loaded, and is only using http, not https,
>> then clearly your application cannot be causing the prompt to select a
>> client certificate.
>> > Should I modify source of my app or jnlp for using JSS?
>> Well, you have to do *something* to get javaws to use JSS.  If may be a
>> configuration change rather than an application change.  I'm not sure.
>> Our JSS expert is on vacation.  Others here may be able to help you.
>> --
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