Michael Ströder wrote:
Any list of fingerprints of the CA certs therein one could obtain
(out-of-band)? Going to all the CA's web sites will not be overly effective I
guess... :-/

We have SHA-1 fingerprints for a number of included roots on the included page:


The underlying source for this is an XML file, so it should be reasonably straightforward to parse.

The page above is not complete. However Kathleen Wilson is working on doing a complete list of all roots included in NSS (and thus in Firefox, et.al.):


She did not include fingerprints in that list, but it sounds like a reasonable thing to add. I suggest bringing this up in the discussion thread about this:


Also, like the list above this list is generated from an XML file.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

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