On 2009-12-20 19:16 PST, Simon723 wrote:
> I have a web application running on Tomcat5 (installed on a RHLE OS). I 
> have installed a Network Solutions issued SSL cert in my keystore. While 
> my application can be accessed fine with IE, Safari, and FF2. FF3 will 
> keep reporting "ssl_error_internal_error_alert".

Your TomCat server is sending a TLS error message, known as an alert,
to Firefox, reporting that it (TomCat) had an internal error.
Firefox is merely reporting that to the user.
Firefox can't do anything about it except report it to the user.
It's not an error in Firefox.  It's an error in TomCat.

> I have installed all the certs issued by the CA in the correct order,
> but FF3 still keeps reporting the below error.  Tomcat is configured to 
> operate in TLS. I have tried to change it to SSL but that still does not 
> work. A large portion of our user base use FF3 as their web-client to 
> access our application.  I have even created a new keystore and had the 
> CA re-issue me the certs - still didn't help. My certs are valid do not 
> expire any time soon.

You seem to be assuming that the problem is related to your certificates.
I see no evidence that this is so.  Firefox isn't complaining about your
server certificates.  Firefox isn't complaining about your server at all.
Your server is complaining about itself!

> Can any FF guru please help?

You need a TomCat guru.

> Some link / cookbook / instructions would be very much appreciated.
> Thank you much.

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