Dear readers of dev-tech-crypto (and others BCC'ed):

For over 13 years now I've been employed to work full time as a developer
of NSS and NSPR, but beginning in January 2010, I shall have a new job
where NSS is not part of my job description.

Consequently, I will have very much less time per week to devote to NSS
and NSPR than I've had at any time in the last decade.  I will probably
only have a little time on nights and weekends to devote to it.

I intend to complete the implementation of the new TLS renegotiation
specification, hopefully before the end of January.  After that, my
ongoing efforts will be purely voluntary.  I expect to reassign most of
my bugs to "nobody".  Anyone wishing to fix any of them should feel free!

Presently, it is not my intention to simply "walk away" from NSS.  However,
over the years, I've seen many others leave Mozilla and/or NSS saying they
intended to continue to work on Mozilla code, but then were never heard
from again.  From that, I have learned that it is difficult to predict how
much zeal one will sustain for a project after it ceases to be the basis of
one's financial livelihood.  So, only time will tell.

For the time being, I plan to remain the moderator of this mailing list,
and will continue to answer questions posted here from time to time.

If you have any questions for me about my future, please write to me
privately, rather than the mailing list or newsgroup.  If you attempt to
reply to this message, you will need to change the "To" address in your
reply, since by default it will go to the list/newsgroup.

On the other hand, discussion about the future of NSS seems on-topic for
this list.

Regards to you all,
/Nelson Bolyard
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

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