On 4/27/2010 12:32 PM, Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
Hi David,  Long time ...

I've been lurking...I still read the messages almost every day. Nice to see you're still around as well.

Are your newly built NSS shared libs in a directory in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

This is a FC12 system and I was rebuilding nss 3.12.6 with EC enabled.

No, I didn't mess with the library path, I copied the new libs over the system libs (I know that isn't the *best* thing to do). I'm not sure why that one particular lib didn't get copied over before but when I explicitly removed it then copied that one file over from the dist/lib folder it works. rpm -qf said that file is owned by nss-softokn-3.12.4-15.fc12.i686 so I guess the file being from the older softoken package was probably the problem. I copied the libraries over several times after building nss several different ways trying to resolve this yesterday. I'm not sure why it didn't get overwritten before.

Thanks to you and Bob.

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