I apologize for asking twice; I suspect my earlier message was buried
since I originally replied to an old thread.

Robert Relyea wrote:
> The NSS team has just RTM'ed NSS 3.12.6.
> The primary feature of NSS 3.12.6 is support for the TLS Renegotiation Indication Extension, RFC 5746.
> Release notes are forthcoming with other additions and bug fixes.
> In addition, a new version of JSS has been released, JSS 4.3.2 which allows application to control the default behaviors in using the extension.
> For JSS 4.3.2 see:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=530575

There are no artifacts on the ftp site for JSS 4.3.2: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/security/jss/releases/

Has 4.3.2 been marked RTM?

Unfortunately, Sun's JRE requires signed jars for JCE providers,
so the Mozilla signed jar file is pretty useful.

Thank you.
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