On 2010-04-30 10:25 PST, Marsh Ray wrote:
> On 4/30/2010 12:17 PM, Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, Sun's JRE requires signed jars for JCE providers,
>>> so the Mozilla signed jar file is pretty useful.
>> Signed bits may be available directly from Sun.  It's also conceivable
>> that IBM or some other other big proponents of Java may be able to sign
>> those bits if they find it in their interest to do so.
> Perhaps it would be possible to install your own root cert and sign it
> yourself?
> Probably not the simplest procedure. If you get it working it would be
> nice to post a description for others.
> - Marsh

Interesting thought.  NSS even includes a JAR signing tool that was
originally written for this purpose (among others).  But I suspect that
Sun's JVM requires that the signature come from one of a very select few
roots any not just any old trusted root.  Hope I'm wrong!
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