Hello everybody,

I am developing a PKCS11 module, and when testing it in Firefox (3.6.3 for 
eg.), despite selecting "remember selected certificate"

I do get multiple certificate selection dialogs in sequence at SSL session 
start...so I have to reselect the same cert, say twice...

I enter the https of the target site, I get asked about the cert - I select it, 
then the site displays my info and offers me an >enter site< button, then it 
asks me again for the cert... this is was confuses me... why?

I've been looking for a solution now for some time, but without success...

What colud be the most likely cause for this? ...

The behaviour is not dependant on how many certificates I have on the card (or 
how many cert. objects I create). I always create three objects per a 
contain CKA_LABEL, CKA_ID, CKA_ISSUER, CKA_SUBJECT... and other per 
specification attributes.

In fact it all seems to work fine, except, that I get asked for the cert 
multiple times...

If  you'd need more info, please let me know...

I'd be gratefull for any assistance.

Sandor Feldi

T: +386 1 548 38 42
Adacta d.o.o., Leskoškova 9d, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: +386 1 548 38 00, F: +386 1 548 39 00, www.adacta.si<http://www.adacta.si>

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