On 2/10/11 8:09 PM, Eddy Nigg wrote:
There are additional steps CAs can/should/do besides checking domain
control - even in the DV settings.

Ok, so the theory here is that some DV CAs do some stuff above and beyond baseline domain validation. We don't really know who is doing how much of this, and a proactive attacker can target the least diligent CA (or SubCA or RA). Nevertheless, the theory is that the incremental value of these ad hoc activities outweigh the undeniable disadvantages of the CA-without-DANE model (such as non-exclusion and lack of delegation). All of this with the understanding that Mozilla doesn't make any assertions to end users about anything w/r/t DV certs other than domain validation. These reasons alone seem sufficient to call this line of reasoning into serious question, but let's take a look at your specific points.

Those range from basic sanity checks

Can you give an example? Would these checks be necessary under DANE or are they specific to the CA third-party-domain-validator model?

checks on weak/small keys, weak hashes

With DANE, such checks are part of the spec and the client implementation. As we have seen repeatedly on m.d.s.p., relying on CAs to enforce checks consistently is far less effective than implementing hard client checks.

domains with obvious problems

Don't know what this means.


Unnecessary with DANE.

and other flagging mechanisms before issuance, phishing
detection and so forth.
> It continues with the ability to revoke certificates upon
> detection/reporting of misuse or other issues - it's a very strong point
> why a CA is beneficial.

I've made clear that I'm not a fan of such nannyism. To the extent that it has to be done, the registries/registrars are simply a more direct path. In many cases they already have revocation-for-bad-behavior policies in place. We can both point to examples in the CA *and* DNS spaces where domains we think are participating in bad behavior are unrevoked, so I'm not sure how to measure the empirical effectiveness of either approach. I do know that CNNIC recently undertook such extensive measures in the name of shutting down phishing/spamming/malware that they reduced the total number of .cn domains by millions (up to that point it had been growing by millions a year). Of course, they also do straight-up censorship by revoking .cn domain names... but in the US we have begun to see questionable domain name seizures too.

With DANE, "revocation" of keys by the owner of the domain (vs. the reigstry/registrar or a higher power) is straightforward and within their control via normal DNS TTL and record removal mechanisms.

Additionally, DV may protect against a shortcoming of DNS that is
happening now and possible wrongful issuance of a DV certificate may be
detected due to shortcoming of DNS. Those are just the very obvious
points I mentioned before. Keys-in-DNSSEC can't provide that without the
involvement of a third party like a CA.

I can't figure out what this means.

The only thing that Mozilla requires of DV CA's is that they validate
domain ownership.

Well no, Mozilla requires a bunch of other things CAs must provide and
do, including OCSP and CRLs, ability to report misuse, revocation
requirements, sound PKI implementations (through WebTrust, ETSI), an
audit regime, its own policies and reviews and and and...just look at
the new policy requirements and how to apply. And this is just the
beginning, more is to come from Mozilla and elsewhere.

- OCSP and CRLs are unnecessary with DANE
- Can you point me to the place in the Moz Cert Policy that requires a contact for "misuse" or defines what that term would mean? Likewise, where is the definition of what constitutes a specific activity requiring revocation (vs a general revocation requirement based on a violation of the CP/CPS/SA terms, which vary)? - Audits and the like serve only to limit the *additional* risks that the CA DV model poses *on top of* its blind reliance on DNS. While it might be a good idea to work toward more rigorous requirements on registries/registrars, the CA DV model *already* suffers from any existing weaknesses they have.

So all of these items you mentioned really only pertain to domain validation, and involve implicitly trusting DNS, as I originally stated.

Anti-phishing and other punishments for actions that the CA doesn't
approve of are irrelevant

Why should they be irrelevant? They are certainly beneficial and very
relevant indeed, otherwise why having them in first place. Subscriber
obligations are not just here for fun.

I think we covered this above. Everything below is opinion and conjecture, so I'm less interested in discussing it.

I will however say that DNSSEC is available today for a large portion of the internet (.com about to go live), and work on DANE is proceeding very quickly and has working proofs-of-concept. As others here have said, ignore (or dismiss) at your peril.

I'm knowing both sides very closely. Those of the relying parties
(including software vendors) and those of the CAs. I know the ins and
outs of running a CA with everything it entails. If you haven't been
there, you probably don't know enough yet.

But I'm also putting my money where my mouth is and I take some credit
for changes that occurred and are occurring in this industry. Being it
for providing an alternative (business model) to commonly known and
conventional CAs and being it for guiding and demonstrating better and
more responsible policies and practices and pushing for those to become
applied evenly.

By doing that, I can assure you that DV is not just authenticated
point-to-point encryption - even though DV is really the lowest level
which should be used only for its intended purpose and stands just for
that. But that's not all, there are things I don't want to publicly
disclose and they are nowhere required. They still exists and contribute

Having said that, of course I'm not taking responsibility for every CA
out there, but that's also the reason I'm working with Mozilla and
elsewhere to improve existing practices and remove the problematic
practices that do exist today, but are about to be addressed. I believe
this will happen rather soon and within a useful time-frame. From there
we can improve even further if possible.

Regarding DNSSEC - it will take years from now to get to an anywhere
useful level. I've seen some attempts to replace conventional X.509 PKI
trust come and go, this wouldn't be the first. However should software
vendors ever rely on DNSSEC exclusively for TLS on the web (e.g. without
third party issued certificates), I fear a disaster and SSL will become
most likely entirely meaningless. Instead I believe that CAs should take
the best out of DNSSEC for their validation procedures and this is my
intention too. Time will tell if I'm right.

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