Hi Robert,

Thanks for the reply.

> ...I'm assuming we are talking
> about an RSA operation here and not an symetric key operation like AES or
> DES.

Yes RSA.

> Yes, I just checked. We we are unwrapping a key (which is what the logical
> function RSA Decrypt supports), We check to see if the token support
> unwrap with the target mechanism....

We do support the "Unwrap" function and the sequence of function calls in my 
original mail is steps after a successful unwrap. I guess thunderbird now wants 
to use the unwrapped key to decrypt the email.

So the question remains: Why if C_DecryptUpdate() is called, is 
C_DecryptFinal() not called? If there is only one block then C_Decrypt() should 
have been called - right?

We do implement C_Decrypt(), C_DecryptUpdate() and C_DecryptFinal() (we have to 
support PKCS#11 v2.2 and up).
I've verified that the order of the functions (in CK_FUNCTION_LIST) is correct. 
C_Sign() works, which is define after C_DecryptFinal().


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