Am 27.06.2014 18:32, schrieb Brian Smith:
> However, I think that is a good idea anyway, because Firefox (and
> Thunderbird) should be using the native OS for client certificates and
> S/MIME certificates anyway.

Additionally or exclusive?

When I think of using smartcard-based client certificates with the
Windows keystore.. this is PITA. Until now, I was really glad that I
could recommend the users to use Firefox, because it does things better
than the keystoreon Windows.

> For example, I don't think Chrome can do the key escrow
> thing so I don't see why Firefox needs to support it either.

This is a non-argument. Or in other words: why not dump all the Mozilla
Source Code and just fork Chrome?

> We had a conversation about this a year ago on this mailing list and
> AFAICT nobody has made any effort at W3C to standardize anything
> related to the functionality for which you are proposing removal.

Maybe because the removal wasn't proposed at that time? Now there is a
proposal to remove something that has no working (not even standardized)
successor. Also, people using this stuff are really far away from W3C.

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