On 29/05/12 14:55, Anant Narayanan wrote:
> Because users are unable to see either the origin (domain name) or the
> app's website at the time of install. The store is the last point at
> which a user makes a install-or-no decision.

Why is that? Surely it makes sense to show the origin of the application
at the time of install?

>>> Try and install an app from the Mozilla Marketplace,
>> I can't; you don't support Linux. You won't even let me try the app out
>> in the browser, because you have some JS which prevents me. :-(
> In that case, try installing an app from
> https://apps.mozillalabs.com/appdir/ 

"Error in installation: [object DOMError]" :-( As you know, I am using
Linux. Is this a bug I should file, or expected?

> Your phrasing comes off as hostile, I would have greatly preferred if
> you had used the term "we" instead of "you". We, Mozilla, are all in
> this together.

"You" as in the Marketplace team. I confess it is a little annoying to
be told "well, try it out" when you've already made a decision that it's
not necessary (in the first revision) to support my OS. But it's more
annoying that you've also made an explicit decision to write code to
stop me trying out apps in the browser even if my browser doesn't
support WebRT. As noted elsewhere in this group, I think that's a
mistake on the grounds of principle.

> Unlike a link, app installs are immediate, and done in the context of
> the page that triggered the install. The user has not had a chance to
> interact either with Favimon or its developer, and does not know what
> domain Favimon is hosted at until the app is launched.

Surely the domain is in the manifest? Otherwise, the UA doesn't know
what page to load when running the app.

> This is very much relevant to installs_allowed_from, because developers
> (of free and paid apps) may want to restrict their app from being listed
> everywhere because they only trust certain stores to faithfully
> represent their app.

That is the point at issue. But you are claiming that "the entire
installation architecture" needs to change if we decide not to let
developers do that. That would only make any sense if
installs_allowed_from were mandatory; but you've said it's optional. So
how can ignoring it in some cases suddenly break everything?


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