On 5/25/12 9:21 AM, Fabrice Desré wrote:
I don't see how ignoring installs_allowed_from is in the user's best
interest.  If it's a paid application, then ignoring
installs_allowed_from is only a way to install a non-working
application.  If it's a free application then you are going to a lot of
trouble to do something you could do already if you just went to the
right store.

"the right store" is the issue there. My understanding is that Gerv
expects free apps to not be tied to a store at all. And I agree with
him. I don't want to have to log into a store to get free apps, and be
tracked by the store when doing that. And I don't like authors being
able to prevent me to do that.

Free apps *aren't* tied to any store by default. I don't know what we're arguing about here. Do you want to remove the ability for developers to optionally restrict which stores can feature their app entirely? What possible gain is there in that?

Are developers not "users" for us too?

Anyone can link to a Marketplace installation page.  If the application
has its own self-installation, anyone can link to that too.  Perhaps it
would make sense to let an application declare its self-installation
page (or maybe just its preferred installation page, including the
Marketplace), so if you want to do some kind of index of applications
you could do so, by simply scraping known application stores (including
the Marketplace) for manifest URLs.  A store has a special relationship
with the applications you install through the store, but installation
and linking are different things.

What do you mean by the "Marketplace" ? Is it Mozilla store? or a
generic term?

I think we made a mistake with this field, and the only real issue is to
not let a user install apps that he won't be able to use : paid apps for
which he would have no receipt. And even that could be solved by in-apps
payment at some point (of course it's easier if the store takes care of
the payment flow).

It's not just that - how does the developer get paid for every install that happens elsewhere if he has no way to track that?

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