Oh cool!

How do you want to the reviews to be done? Do you want me to edit the
pages and put the comments in the comment field, or do you want a list
and you fix them?

With a quick glance, I've seen a few "read-only" indicator missing from
some property articles, a few useless lines in examples (non used
variables declared at the beginning).

Let me know,

On 11/09/2014 23:16, Chris Mills wrote:
> Hi all,
> As of tonight, I have completed documenting the Web Audio API:
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API
> All current interfaces are documented, and I’ve added notes about the 
> upcoming Audio Worker stuff. I’ve also covered the not-yet-implemented 
> promise-based versions of AudioContext.decodeAudioData() and 
> OfflineAudioContext.startRendering(). I’ve written a whole bunch of examples 
> and guides too.
> What needs to happen now is that I’ve love some people in the know to help me 
> tech review this stuff. I’m sure some of the examples could be better written 
> (ScriptProcessorNode and OfflineAudioContext are the weakest ones, IMO.) And 
> I’m sure some of the browser compat tables could do with improving.
> Let me know if you find anything awful that needs fixing!
> Chris Mills
>    Senior tech writer || Mozilla
> developer.mozilla.org || MDN
>    cmi...@mozilla.com || @chrisdavidmills
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